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Female cycling nutrition masterclass
If you are a female cyclist who wants to avoid these top 3 nutrition mistakes and learn more about how to fuel around your training for better health, recovery, body composition and performance, then this masterclass is for you!
Hierarchy of nutritional needs for female athletes
Are you focusing on the right things when it comes to nutrition as a female athlete?
99% of the nutrition problems I see in female athletes can be solved by addressed the foundations of nutritional needs in the following order:
Nourish don't punish
You only have one body - nourish it well.
Don't punish yourself for imperfect eating habits, or guilt trip yourself that you should do better or need to skip a meal because you overate earlier on.
The best diet for you as a cyclist
There is no such thing as a perfect diet as a cyclist. The best diet for you is the one you can stick with when life gets chaotic.
Energy gels for cyclists
Energy gels are a popular fuel choice used by cyclists in races and events. From an energy and carbohydrates perspective they can vary a lot in amount of carbohydrates, type of sugar used and how rapidly they are absorbed and available to fuel your effort. The only way to know which one works 'best' for you is to test it out in training.
You do not need to earn your food
Repeat after me.
I do not need to earn my food.
Even if you didn't do any exercise today, or your food choices weren't ideal earlier in the day, or your weight isn't where you want it to be, your body still needs and deserves food.
5 Triathlon Nutrition Questions answered with Global Triathlon Network
Watch this conversation between Advanced Sports Dietitian Dr Gemma Sampson and Global Triathlon Network to discuss the best pieces of nutrition advice for triathletes.
Do you need a protein supplement as a cyclist?
Do you need a protein supplement as a cyclist? Protein pancakes, protein brownies, protein popcorn… Protein intake is often overlooked by many of the athletes I work with. A question I am often asked is whether the protein you’re eating from real food good enough or do you need a protein supplement as well?
Your weight is constantly changing
Your weight is constantly changing. So many people I work with assign their worth to this number - a number that is CONSTANTLY changing across the day, week, month and year.
Binge eating after bike rides? Try this.
Find yourself INSANELY hungry, craving sugar and binge eating in the hours after a bike ride?
It's probably not because you don't have self-control or enough will-power.
You don't have to give up any food
You don't have to give up any of your favourite foods, go on a crazy diet or start an extreme exercise regime this January if you don't want to.
I'm over gels and bars as a cyclist what else is there to fuel my rides?
When I meet cyclists and other endurance athletes, it’s very common for them to tell me that they aren’t fuelling their rides because commercial bars, drinks, gels and other sports nutrition products are so expensive. What else can you eat on the bike? Dried fruit!
Nobody notices your weight gain as much as you think they do
Chances are, nobody else even notices when you have gained or lost weight.
Nutrition for cyclists: Not high carb Not low carb but Smart carb
Nutrition for cyclists: What to eat before, during and after your training? Not all high carb. Not all low carb. But smart carbs to fuel your training intensity.
Beat the bonk as a cyclist
As a cyclist have you found yourself feeling completely drained, a bit dizzy or emotional with jelly legs during a ride? Chances are you have bonked and need to find a cafe pronto to refuel! What is bonking and how can you beat the bonk?
Are you drinking enough on the bike?
More than just replacing the fluids we lose as sweat, drinking enough on the bike and being well hydrated on a ride can improve your cycling performance. Are you drinking enough on your rides?
How Recipe Boxes & Meal Delivery Services can help with your nutrition goals
When it comes to improving your health, making changes to what you eat can have a huge impact. When time is limited, recipe boxes and meal delivery services can go a long way in kickstarting and supporting new nutrition habits.
A much more nutritious alternative to your standard takeaway, I often will recommend meal delivery services or recipe boxes to my clients as a sports dietitian.
What is stopping you?
What is stopping you? is a question I once got asked within a conversations that become a key turning point in my life. A question that I ask my clients and athletes to look at what they are trying to achieve and what is stopping them from taking the first step towards that.
Hydration for cycling performance
The amount of fluid you need to drink during cycling to remain hydrated and optimise performance depends on multiple factors, including environment, exercise duration and intensity.
Improving bone health as a female athlete
As a female athlete it's important to consider what we eat before and after training to protect our bone health, reduce risk of injury and time off training and competition. Here's two easy ways female athletes can improve bone health with diet.