Check Your Sports Nutrition Product Use By Dates

The Truth About Expired Sports Nutrition Products: Lessons from My Personal Inventory Check

As cyclists, athletes and fitness enthusiasts, we focus a lot on our training regimens and often invest in a varied collection of sports nutrition products. However, do we always keep track of when these products expire?

Recently, I embarked on a daunting task that had been on my list for at least half a year - a complete inventory check of my sports nutrition cupboard.

Spoiler alert: it was a wake-up call.

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Are you losing training days because of Low Energy Availability?

Did you know that if we have low energy availability we are 3x more likely to have to take time off training due to illness?

That could mean about 3 weeks lost training throughout the year due to injury or delayed recovery - and that's not even considering the higher risk of stress fractures and bone breaks.

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Carbohydrates for Endurance Athletes in Competition Questionnaire (CEAC-Q)

Do you know how much carbohydrate to eat before, during and after competition for optimal performance? The Carbohydrates for Endurance Athletes in Competition Questionnaire (CEAC-Q) was designed to help guide where you could optimise your race and training nutrition strategy.

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Did your weight increase? Don't panic!

Freaking out because your weight has increased when you are trying to lose weight cycling? Before you hit the panic button and use it as a reason to go on a crash diet, take a moment to pause and put that one number in context of the bigger picture. Our weight changes a lot on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis - way beyond changes in body composition.

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Race nutrition report: Carb loading for Masters State Championships

Race nutrition report: Masters State Championships. Glen Leechburch Auwers achieved 4th place at the State Masters Championships due to determination and perseverance, with a dose of carb loading and good bike nutrition. My expectation was to be dropped on the first lap. There were so many ‘better’ and ‘stronger’ riders there that day. I think the carb loading gave me that extra edge to finish strong. 

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Sports Nutrition, Infographics Gemma Sampson Sports Nutrition, Infographics Gemma Sampson

AIS Sports Supplement Framework

Supplements are like the sprinkles on a cake.

They're one percenters that *may* glam up your performance a little bit, but on their own may not have that much an impact if you don't have a strong nutritional foundation to base it upon.

Whenever you are wondering if it's worth spending your hard earned cash on a supplement - take a moment to check out the AIS Sports Supplements Framework

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Cycling, Racing Nutrition, Sports Nutrition Gemma Sampson Cycling, Racing Nutrition, Sports Nutrition Gemma Sampson

Riding the UCI World's Champs cycling course in Wollongong

The UCI World Championships in Wollongong is going to be SUCH an interesting race, the course is nothing like any other UCI world Champs courses I've seen. It's technical, it's lumpy.. actually it is more than lumpy. There is one particular section on the crit course which is near vertical, I checked the Ramah Rampage strava segment and saw gradients exceeding 25%. Ouch!

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Test your race day nutrition plan in training - not on race day

Have you tried something new on race day and had it go terribly wrong?

This has been the theme of the day with today's 1:1 client calls - where people have decided in the heat of the moment to use a gel, bar or energy drink mid race that they’ve never tired before and it went horribly wrong.

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How much carbohydrate does a professional cyclist eat during the Vuelta?

How does a professional cyclist fuel the Vuelta? Professional cyclists adapt their carbohydrate intake both overall and in grams per hour to suit the demands of that stage (and what's on the cards tomorrow). Different days have different nutrition needs - whether that's in a training block or competition racing something epic like the Vuelta. Not every day is high carb or low carb.

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