Can you relate to my perfectionistic thinking when it comes to cycling and nutrition?
Can you relate to my perfectionistic thinking when it comes to cycling and nutrition?
Yesterday it cost me (at least) and hour worth of riding time!
I had blocked off two hours to go for a ride in the morning (a rare scenario on a week day with my 1:1 cycling nutrition clients) in my diary. Easy.
With all the work travel I’ve done in the last few weeks with the DSM-Firmenich high altitude camp in Austria and then the Tour de France Femme final stages, I haven’t ridden much.
Which meant I got full on stuck in this pattern of overwhelm and perfectionistic thinking about where was ‘the best’ place to go for a ride…
I was literally pacing around my house (in cycling kit) wondering, should I ride to:
Canet de Adri?
Rocacorba (just kidding, that ain’t gonna happen…
Stick farm?
Medieval lanes…
There are so many awesome places to ride here in Girona that I got stuck at the first hurdle, figuring out WHERE!
If I’d just decided in advance where I was going to go (and then done it), I would have gotten a longer ride and had less frustrating thoughts.
As the time kept ticking on I ALMOST let myself get into the all or nothing thinking and didn’t go for ANY ride.
Thankfully I paused, took a moment to record this video and then got out the door and actually did go for a ride.
It was honestly no sooner than 3 minutes of being on the bike (I checked my Garmin) when I started feeling the dopamine and happiness flooding in and questioned why I had ever doubted or delayed so much!
Learn from my perfectionism all-or-nothing thinking mistakes!
When you notice yourself getting stuck in that all or nothing perfectionistic thinking, decide on ONE thing, the first step that you can take to get you started (rather than the mountain) to help motivate you into some action.
Because doing something is almost always better than doing nothing.
Fuel your cycling with confidence
Learn how to fuel before, during and after cycling with the Cycling Nutrition Framework for optimal body weight, recovery and performance.