Three life lessons from 2017
I don't know about you, but I feel like 2017 has been the year where I have grown and developed personally more than I have in the past 5 or 10 years combined. There have been huge challenges, successes and set backs. Here are a few of the key lessons I have learnt in 2017.
Feel the fear and do it anyway
Without a doubt, one of the scariest decisions I've made this year was the decision to go freelance within my business and leave the security of my previous job. It has challenged me and grown me in countless ways, but has been so worth it. I am so incredibly happy I faced that fear and took that leap.
One of the things I have come to realise (although I'm still working on it), is that fear in itself is imaginary. We get all worked up about possible 'what-if' scenarios that are probably never going to happen. Whether it's been handing my notice in at my job, or telling a guy I like that I'm interested in him, every single time I've faced a fear that was making me anxious it immediately goes away. Just like magic!
With a big move on the cards in 2018, it's easy to get swept up in the fear and anxieties of 'what if'. BUT. If I've learnt nothing else this year, it's to listen to my gut and my intuition and follow my hearts dreams and desires. The challenge is worth it every time.
Lesson: Overcoming my fears builds self confidence and self esteem
Sleep IS important
It's only taken me this long to realise it, but I actually do need sleep! Who'd have thought?!
According to my Mum, I haven't really slept well since I was 4. For years I've been burning the candle at both ends getting up super early and staying up late, averaging 4-6 hours most nights.
While observing my poor sleep habits in Girona, a friend of mine bought me a sleep book for my birthday. I started tracking my sleep which made me realise just how sporadic it was, prompting me to make a conscious effort to create healthier sleep habits. A couple months later I'm probably averaging 6-7 hours sleep. Not perfect, but it's considerably more than previously. My recovery is improving and surprise surprise I'm less tired at random times!
Lesson: I need sleep and it's okay to stop and go to bed
Be Still
As an extremely ambitious, slightly perfectionist overachiever, stopping doesn't come naturally to me. I learnt many lessons last year (particularly burning out overtraining) which made me realise that I needed to take many steps back and incorporate some self care to be the best I can be.
The phrase I have come to time and time again in 2017 is Be Still. I've been reminded of this weekly, if not daily. I can't force things to happen, sometimes I do need to take baby steps instead of running full steam ahead, and without taking adequate rest I am not able to be as effective as I want to be.
There have been times where I have intentionally stepped back and disconnected, and others when I was forced to for health reasons. Learning to be okay with not doing everything, getting over FOMO and forgiving myself when I haven't achieved everything I wanted to (usually because my goals were unrealistic in the first place!) has been a huge part of this journey.
Lesson: Taking time out allows me to be the best version of myself
What have you learnt this year?
Here's to an amazing 2018!
Gemma Sampson RD APD
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