Why are sweet potatoes considered 'good' while the humble white potato gets a bad rap? Sweet potatoes contain more vitamin A and have a higher carb and sugar content (as the name implies) but overall nutritionally they are very similar when you look at the bigger picture of what you eat on a daily basis.
Read MoreHaribo vs energy gels. Which would you choose?
Did you know that 25g of Haribo provides pretty much the same energy and carbs as a gel? Perhaps not the most ideal food to be snacking on while watching Netflix!
How quickly are you eating your meals? We've all been there where we started snacking on something mindlessly and before we realised it the whole packet is gone. Ignorance is bliss... but it can be seriously underminding us.
Read MoreGarcinia Cambogia supplements come with some major claims, but is it really a miracle weight loss supplement?
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