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Check Your Sports Nutrition Product Use By Dates
The Truth About Expired Sports Nutrition Products: Lessons from My Personal Inventory Check
As cyclists, athletes and fitness enthusiasts, we focus a lot on our training regimens and often invest in a varied collection of sports nutrition products. However, do we always keep track of when these products expire?
Recently, I embarked on a daunting task that had been on my list for at least half a year - a complete inventory check of my sports nutrition cupboard.
Spoiler alert: it was a wake-up call.
Carbohydrates for Endurance Athletes in Competition Questionnaire (CEAC-Q)
Do you know how much carbohydrate to eat before, during and after competition for optimal performance? The Carbohydrates for Endurance Athletes in Competition Questionnaire (CEAC-Q) was designed to help guide where you could optimise your race and training nutrition strategy.
AIS Sports Supplement Framework
Supplements are like the sprinkles on a cake.
They're one percenters that *may* glam up your performance a little bit, but on their own may not have that much an impact if you don't have a strong nutritional foundation to base it upon.
Whenever you are wondering if it's worth spending your hard earned cash on a supplement - take a moment to check out the AIS Sports Supplements Framework
Free Cycling Nutrition webinar
Are you a cyclist who wants to fuel effectively and make the most of your training and competition?
Join this FREE cycling nutrition webinar LIVE with Advanced Sports Dietitian Dr Gemma Sampson to discover the three most common fuelling mistakes cyclists make that limit their performance and training adaptations.
Do you need a protein supplement as a cyclist?
Do you need a protein supplement as a cyclist? Protein pancakes, protein brownies, protein popcorn… Protein intake is often overlooked by many of the athletes I work with. A question I am often asked is whether the protein you’re eating from real food good enough or do you need a protein supplement as well?
Are you drinking enough on the bike?
More than just replacing the fluids we lose as sweat, drinking enough on the bike and being well hydrated on a ride can improve your cycling performance. Are you drinking enough on your rides?
What is stopping you?
What is stopping you? is a question I once got asked within a conversations that become a key turning point in my life. A question that I ask my clients and athletes to look at what they are trying to achieve and what is stopping them from taking the first step towards that.
High protein plant based diets for muscle growth and recovery
As long as your plant based or vegan diet is high in protein, it can be just as effective for muscle gain and recovery as a mixed diet. The key factor is that you need to eat enough plant protein overall spread out regularly throughout each meal to achieve at least
Supersapiens nutrition tips: What I learned from a month continuous glucose monitoring as a sports dietitian
Over the past month I have used Supersapiens continuous glucose monitor to learn what happens to my blood glucose levels so I can better advise my athletes using it. While running a busy sports nutrition clinic, I train an average 14h of cycling, 300km a week. Here’s what I learned and the nutrition tips I recommend for anyone starting to use Supersapiens.
Fuelling an Everesting Attempt
Thinking of doing an Everesting? Deciding to climb 8848m on the bike in one ride is no mean feat. Beyond the mental and physical challenge, ensuring that you are well fuelled and hydrated to support your efforts is a key factor in your success. Here's an insight into the nutrition planning that went behind fuelling an Everesting attempt for me.
10 reasons why you should see a sports dietitian
You don't have to be an elite or professional athlete to benefit from nutrition support and advice. Here's 10 reasons why you should see a Sports Dietitian to get the most out of your cycling and triathlon training.
How to fuel for a long ride
Getting your nutrition right during long rides can be a tricky balancing act at times. Don’t eat enough and you might run out of energy and bonk, overeat and you could end up with stomach troubles. To make it more complicated, the more trained you are improves how efficient your body is at using fat stores as fuel. You may find you’ll be able to ride further without eating as much after a few years of cycling compared to when you first began.
Surviving lockdown and working from home
Lockdown life isn't easy when you're trying to work and be productive. Trust me. What started with 14 days here in Girona has turned into 37 days of total lockdown being stuck indoors, with no clear release in sight. Here's my advice on how to survive lockdown, work from home and be relatively productive without going (too) crazy.