I finally tried that cycling fuelling strategy you recommend... game changer!


“I finally tried that fuelling strategy you recommend…game changer!! I know you always say to fuel my rides, but I’ve been kind of ignoring you…”

This is a conversation I had recently with one of my 1:1 coaching clients after WEEKS of me recommending they increase their nutrition intake around training. 

Wouldn’t be the first time someone ignored my nutrition advice 🤦🏻‍♀️

If your goal is to:

👉🏻Improve your cycling performance

👉🏻Recover faster

👉🏻Optimise power to weight ratio…

Then your fuelling strategy matters and you need a Framework that will let you adapt what you eat before, during and after training.

Most people kind of ignore it and under fuel for YEARS when the answer is SO SIMPLE it will seem too good to be true.

What is unfuelled riding costing you? 

It’s not too good to be true

It’s not.

This Framework works.

Fuelled Framework

A simple strategy to fuel on and off the bike that will seem too good to be true (but it’s not)

It’s game changing and once you learn it, you’ll be kicking yourself that you didn’t start sooner.

If you are sick of feeling confused about what to eat to fuel your cycling and know you SHOULD be fuelling better, but aren’t..

Then you need my Fuelled Framework.

You could google it and wing it and guess your way along for the next few years, 


You could use a PROVEN framework that is easy to learn and apply to your lifestyle.

Are you ready to use a gamechanging cycling nutrition framework?

Join my Fuelled team for just $99. 

In 12 weeks time we could be having this same conversation about how you have saved years of unfuelled riding.👇🏻


Until next time, fuel your rides!




Fuel your cycling with confidence

Learn how to fuel before, during and after cycling with the Cycling Nutrition Framework for optimal body weight, recovery and performance.

Gemma Sampson

Dr Gemma Sampson is an Advanced Sports Dietitian specialising in sports nutrition for cyclists.


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