Thoughts feelings actions results


Henry Ford once said that "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right".

The thoughts you have about a particular situation, food, or even your own body can have a huge impact on how you feel, the actions you take and the results you do (or don't) see as a result.

I've always been really interested in behaviour change as a dietitian, but this year in particular it has been fascinating to learn more and apply this in both my personal life and with the clients I have the pleasure to work with.

Because my work as a dietitian IS about the food people eat, but it also isn't JUST about food.

Because what, when, why and how we eat is so often dictated by other factors in the background - work, stress, planning/organisation, family, finances and travel just to name a few.

Thoughts I often hear my clients verbalising as a sports dietitian include:

👉🏻I can't control myself around food xyz

👉🏻 I have no will power with food xyz

👉🏻 I could never change or stop xyz

👉🏻That won't work for me

👉🏻I will never get to or be able to xyz

👉🏻I have to finish my plate even if I'm too full

👉🏻I can't survive the day if I don't eat/drink xyz

👉🏻All vegetables are horrible to eat

Sound familiar?

So often the thoughts we have influence our behaviour and can self-sabotaging our own success.

I like to challenge you to pause in these moments when thoughts like this pop up and ask yourself three questions:

Is that thought really true?

How do I want to feel instead?

What thought will help me feel that way, and better serve me to take actions aligned with my goal?

Actively changing that thought will improve the way you feel, show up in the world to take action and result you see.

You might not see results overnight, and it'll take time effort, consistently and persistence to rewrite your thoughts, but I promise you the benefits of having a healthier relationship with your body and food as a result are SO worth it.




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Gemma Sampson

Dr Gemma Sampson is an Advanced Sports Dietitian specialising in sports nutrition for cyclists.

Life lessons 2021


Avoid weight gain while travelling